Beverly Wood, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Personal profile


Dr. Beverly Wood has been teaching statistics since 2004 and mathematics since 2009. She was an adjunct instructor at an adult learning center, two selective universities, and a community college before completing her doctoral degree. After three years on the full-time faculty of a state college, she joined Embry-Riddle in the fall of 2015.In 2016 the American Statistical Association endorsed a new version of its Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education: College Report after four years of effort by the writing team which included Dr. Wood. She has been active in virtual and in-person opportunities first to collect input then to disseminate the results. She is also participating in efforts to reach instructors at community and technical colleges who are less likely to be aware of modern standards for statistics education. Other research and professional development interests include the incorporation of active learning strategies in mathematics courses. She finds this particularly challenging in online and distance education, which makes ERAU her perfect research venue.

Education/Academic qualification

Mathematics, BS, University of Tampa

Chemistry and Mathematics, PhD, University of Virginia

Mathematics, MS, University of Wisconsin Colleges


  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Higher Education and Teaching
  • Science and Mathematics Education