Personal profile


Dr. Roberts' interest is in the energy, behaviors, and performance of individuals as they live, learn, earn, and socialize in environments where they can thrive individually and as a community. Her current research embodies maximizing human performance and behaviors in real-time based on three primary forces: 1) the individual's unique enculturation, beliefs, and perceptions about life as it pertains to them now and what they consider for their future 2) the external influencers that cause trajectory on a person's life journey and 3) human-to-human (H2H) resiliency that is useful, profitable, and beneficial. Dr. Roberts' current and emerging research presents information about the inertia of human energy towards sustainable human energy in diverse and global societies filled with people, tasks, and relationships that require special attention to the complexities of building an inclusive culture. The pace of change, the cross-pollinations of cultures, technological advances, and emerging social societies are syncing humans into settings they may not be mature enough academically, emotionally, socially, or occupationally to handle. The research will simulate the settings in real-time and 3D virtual communities of diverse participants attempting to live, learn, and earn in inclusive communities.

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