An Evaluation of the Operational Restrictions Imposed to Congonhas Airport by Civil Aviation Instruction121-1013

Glanski Pacheco, Jr., Marcus Camargo, Leila Halawi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Due to aircraft accidents, in 2008, operational restrictions were imposed on Congonhas airport by IAC 121-1013. These restrictions sought to create a balance between flight safety and operational efficiency. The purpose of this research was to investigate the results of the operational restrictions. The researchers calculated the landing performance (using specific software), taking into account particular aircraft system failures that increase landing distance. The results indicated that the measures imposed by the IAC have little or no effect on operational safety. Additionally, the restrictions created operational complexity for the airport and reduced its efficiency by impacting airline costs. Finally, the researchers suggested a reissue of the IAC based on the data presented.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2020


  • Brazil
  • Congonhas Airport
  • IAC 121-1013
  • airplane crash
  • Restrictions
  • JJ3054 2007


  • Legislation
  • Other Law

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