Best Practices for the Effective Implementation of Telerounding

Joseph R. Keebler, Kyle Heyne, Elizabeth H. Lazzara, Lauren Benishek, Eduardo Salas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The research base for telemedicine is expanding with nearly the voracity that the implementation of tele-medicine systems has. Telerounding is one specific subset of telemedicine where a team of physicians will gather in a specific location and use a telepresence robot to perform their day to day rounding procedures. This type of telemedicine is fairly new, and thus is lacking a solid research base to guide the implementation and usage of such a system. This paper is an initial attempt at a comprehensive list of best practices for such a system and is based off of current telemedicine literature as well as the experience of the authors.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
StatePublished - Sep 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Telemedicine
  • Telepresence
  • Telerounding
  • Teams
  • Communication


  • Health Information Technology
  • Other Psychology

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