Examining the Performance and Preference of Embedded and Framed/Non-Framed Hyperlinks

Michael L. Bernard, Spring Hull, Barbara S. Chaparro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study examined the placement of hyperlinks in four locations on a web page for user performance and preference. The hyperlink placements consisted of (1) hyperlinks embedded (Embedded) within a document; (2) hyperlinks embedded within a document and placed adjacent to the left side and at the same height as the corresponding embedded hyperlinks (Left-Embedded) of the associative document; (3) hyperlinks placed at the top-left (Top-Left) of a document; and (4) hyperlinks placed within a vertical frame (Frame) to the left of a document. Participants using the Left-Embedded condition had faster search times than the Top-Left condition. Participants also perceived the Left-Embedded and Frame conditions as easier to navigate and to find information compared to the Top-Left condition. The Left-Embedded condition also was perceived as promoting higher levels of comprehension than the Top-Left condition. Overall, the Left-Embedded condition was most preferred and Top-Left condition was the least preferred. 
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
StatePublished - Feb 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • website hyperlinks
  • preference
  • web page design
  • hyperlink placement


  • Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces

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