GA Weather Planning (KAEL to KDTL): Preflight Weather Product Interpretation (Video 1 of 3)

Jayde King, John Kleber, Jacqueline McSorley, Thomas A Guinn, Beth Blickensderfer

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


<p> <ul> <li> (Video 1 of 3) A product of an FAA Weather in the Cockpit program sponsored research project, the VFR into IMC Weather Training videos are a series of three videos designed to assist General Aviation pilots in interpreting and applying weather information to flight. Pilots can use these videos and the document in the link below to make informed GO/NO GO decisions. <a href=";event=video_description&amp;v=I2AxzZbFNNc&amp;redir_token=sP64lxu1EKoLHflojA8KkxFeJjN8MTU5MDU5NTI1M0AxNTkwNTA4ODUz" target="_blank"> </a> . </li> <li> *Disclaimer: Continuing VFR Flight into Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) is illegal and dangerous. Use caution when approaching areas of reduced visibility and precipitation.* </li> <li> The &ldquo;VFR into IMC Weather Training Scenario 1: Preflight&rdquo; goes step-by-step through the preflight process of a VFR cross-country flight from KAEL to KDTL. </li> <li> This video was created for the FAA Weather Technology in the Cockpit program by a team of researchers at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Jayde King, Thomas Guinn, Robert Thomas, Jacqueline McSorley, John Kleber, and Beth Blickensderfer. For more information on the work conducted by this team, go to <a href=";event=video_description&amp;v=I2AxzZbFNNc&amp;redir_token=sP64lxu1EKoLHflojA8KkxFeJjN8MTU5MDU5NTI1M0AxNTkwNTA4ODUz" target="_blank"> </a> </li> </ul></p>
Original languageAmerican English
Media of outputOnline
StatePublished - Jan 28 2020


  • Aviation
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Human Factors Psychology
  • Meteorology

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