Gyrochronology of Wide Binaries in the Kepler K2 Campaign 5 Field

Terry D. Oswalt, Derek Buzasi, Tomomi Otani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We are determining rotation periods for an ensemble of over 100 wide non-interacting binary stars in the K2 Campaign 5 field that contain two main sequence dwarfs, as well as a smaller sample containing at least one white dwarf component. Observations of such coeval pairs provide the basis for our new investigation of rotation-based age determinations. Such “gyrochronology” ages can achieve a precision that exceeds most other current method of stellar age determination. Here we present a status report on our analysis of the light curves extracted from the K2 Campaign 5 field.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017


  • gyrochronology
  • binary stars


  • Stars, Interstellar Medium and the Galaxy

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