How IT-Purchasing Preparedness Facilitates E-Marketplace Usage

T Jitpaiboon, Dothang Truong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This research aims to examine the extent of e-marketplace usage from the buyer perspective. Three types of e-marketplace – third party exchange, consortium exchange, and private exchange – are compared and the impact of the buyer's information technology (IT) purchasing preparedness on the extent of e-marketplace usage is evaluated. Design/methodology/approach – A web-based survey of 359 purchasing professionals in the USA is used in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the extent of e-marketplace usage among the three e-marketplace types. Multiple regression methodology is also used to test the impact of IT purchasing preparedness on the extent of e-marketplace usage. Findings – The results indicate that there is no significant difference among the three types of e-marketplaces in regard to the extent of current e-marketplace usage and planned e-marketplace usage. Additionally, IT purchasing preparedness appears to have a positive impact on e-marketplace usage. Research limitations/implications – The research empirically confirms the positive impact of IT purchasing preparedness on e-marketplace usage. Nevertheless, it was limited to the buyer side and did not examine the interaction of IT purchasing preparedness and other influencing factors. Practical implications – The research provides useful information for companies who are using or plan to use the e-marketplace for purchasing. It also helps market participants to choose an appropriate e-marketplace based upon their own IT purchasing preparedness. Originality/value – This research fills the gap in the existing e-marketplace literature and provides empirical evidence for e-marketplace usage and the impact of IT purchasing preparedness.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Enterprise Information Management
StatePublished - 2008


  • e-commerce
  • information technology
  • IT
  • purchasing


  • E-Commerce

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