If At First You Do Not Succeed: The Student Benefits of Multiple Trials on Summative Assessments

Emily Faulconer, John Griffith, Hayden Frank

Research output: Other contribution


Learning management systems offer flexibility in assessments. In Canvas, questions can be pulled from pools, customizing each quiz. Canvas also allows unique feedback options. Unique feedback can be programmed for students whether they got the question correct or incorrect. Feedback can even be customized based on which wrong answer was selected. Canvas also allows multiple attempts on assessments, with various options for awarding credit (final attempt, best score, average score, etc.). Combining immediate feedback with multiple attempts is a power - yet underexplored - tool.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 1 2018


  • learning management systems
  • LMS
  • Canvas (LMS)
  • course assessment
  • learning assessment


  • Education
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • Higher Education
  • Organizational Communication

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