Late Afternoon Concurrent Sessions: Training and Education: Presentation: Aviation Management Education Study (AMES): Two Years in Review

Jason M Newcomer, Matthew P Earnhardt

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Aviation Management Education Study (AMES) is a longitudinal effort consisting of a series of research papers covering various facets of aviation education as it pertains to managers in the field and hiring of industry professionals. The IJAAA is home to the first three AMES papers that covered: (a) aviation managers’ perspectives on the importance of education (AMES-1), (b) an exploration of the aviation management education paradigm shift (AMES-2), and (c) the development of the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) Composite Measure (KCM) (AMES-3) for data collection during AMES-4 (currently in its final stages). This presentation will present the two-year progress of the AMES series to include AMES-1, AMES-2, and preliminary findings of AMES-4 in a concise presentation. We will present AMES-3 independently because of the required depth of discussion on the development of the KCM.



AMES-3: (presented separately)

AMES-4: Currently in the writing of discussions/conclusions phase

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Jan 15 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • aviation management education study AMES
  • Aviation
  • Aviation Education
  • University Aviation Association


  • Aviation
  • Management and Operations
  • Other Education

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