Nanosecond Near-Spinodal Homogeneous Boiling of Water Superheated by Pulsed CO/sub 2/ Laser

Sergey I. Kudryashov, Kevin Lyon, Susan D. Allen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The fast boiling dynamics of superheated surface layers of bulk water cavitating under near-spinodal conditions during nanosecond C O2 laser heating pulses was studied using contact broad-band photoacoustic spectroscopy. Characteristic pressure-tension cycles recorded by an acoustic transducer at different incident laser fluences represent (a) weak random oscillations of transient nanometer-sized near-critical bubbles-precursors and (b) well-defined stimulated oscillations of micron-sized supercritical bubbles and their submicrosecond coalescence products. These findings provide an important insight into basic thermodynamic parameters, spatial and temporal scales of bubble nucleation during explosive liquid/vapor transformations in absorbing liquids ablated by short laser pulses in the thermal confinement regime.

© 2007 The American Physical Society.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalPhysical Review E
StatePublished - Mar 1 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • acoustic transducer
  • bulk water
  • pulsed CO2 laser
  • supercritical bubbles
  • bubbles (in fluids)
  • coalescence
  • heating
  • laser pulses
  • nanotechnology
  • photoacoustic spectroscopy
  • water
  • boiling liquids


  • Mechanical Engineering

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