Observations of relative humidity in the near-wake of a wind turbine using an instrumented unmanned aerial system

Kevin A. Adkins, Adrian Sescu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Simulation, modeling, and limited observations have shown that wind farms have an impact on the
near-surface atmospheric boundary layer as turbulent wakes enhance vertical mixing of momentum,
heat, and moisture. The few observational datasets that do exist lack high spatial resolution due to their
use of a limited number of meteorological sensors or remote sensing techniques. This study utilizes an
instrumented small unmanned aerial system to gather high-resolution in situ field measurements in
order to differentially map near-wake changes to relative humidity. Observations show that downstream
relative humidity is differentially altered in the vertical, spanwise and downstream directions.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalInternational Journal of Green Energy
StatePublished - Aug 9 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Remote Sensing
  • Atmospheric Sciences

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