Ode to Amy Donahue [Poem]

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In conjunction with 100 Faces of War, a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution, with local funding for this program provided through a grant from the Florida Humanities Council with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a series of Ekphrastic Poetry sessions were held by Florida Poet Laureate for Volusia County, M. B. McLatchey. Ekphrastic poetry is poetry written in response to another work of art. 1 00 Faces of War was on display at the Museum of Arts & Sciences from September 1 through November 25, 2018. Shared in the article are a sampling of the final poetry pieces from some of the session participants. Ode to Amy Donahue , by M.B. McLatchey, was one of five poems published in the Winter 2019 issue.


  • poetry


  • Creative Writing
  • Poetry

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