Technology-enabled active learning in gen ed courses

Emily Faulconer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Technology tools can achieve active learning in asynchronous online courses. The H5P platform promotes self-paced, self-directed active learning through activities including branching scenarios, crosswords, flashcards, and interactive videos. This tool can provide formative feedback through features that allow provision of automatic feedback for a variety of question types (e.g.; fill in the blank, multiple choice, image hotspot, and drag and drop). H5P activities were embedded in the learning management system of two introductory general education courses. Learning analytics data and student perspectives were collected. This data will be used to guide future use of this technology tool in online courses.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 1 2023


  • H5P
  • General Education
  • Undergraduate Courses


  • Higher Education
  • Instructional Media Design
  • Online and Distance Education
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Science and Mathematics Education

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