Traveling in CyberSpace: Internet Tools and Services

J. Philip Craiger, R. Jason Weiss, Philip Craiger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As we noted in previous Traveling in Cyberspace columns, the driving forces behind the Internet and World-Wide Web (WWW) are facilitating communication unhampered by geographical distance and rapid access to information. As a personal example, we've used the World-Wide Web recently to track down the work of a colleague in Poland. Before the Internet was developed, doing so would have cost hundreds of dollars in telephone calls, postage, and lost hours of productivity. We also used the Internet and WWW extensively in creating this column, dramatically decreasing the amount of time needed to gather the pertinent information we will be passing along to you, the reader.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalThe Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (TIP)
StatePublished - Apr 1996


  • Internet
  • World Wide Web
  • digital communication


  • Digital Communications and Networking
  • International and Intercultural Communication

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