Women’s Perceptions Of Problem-Solving In a Virtual Learning Environment

Kimberly Luthi, Ernie Friend, Angelique Tucker-Blackmon

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Virtual learning opportunities in computing and information technology courses are designed to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills, positive learning outcomes and increased problem-solving abilities. However, before engaging students in activities to increase their problem-solving skills, researchers need to understand the influence of virtual courses on students’ problem-solving perceptions since perceptions influence performance. This study is an analysis of women’s perceptions of their problem solving confidence, style and personal control before and after their participation in online courses within the Network Enterprise Administration Certificate program that was embedded as a specialized track leading towards the Networking Systems Technology Associate Degree program in the Florida College System.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jul 28 2022


  • core competency
  • remote learning
  • problem-solving
  • mobile technology


  • Gender Equity in Education
  • Online and Distance Education
  • Science and Mathematics Education

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