% Scripts below plot data on Figure 13a,b of the manucsript %% clear all clc load('rw444.mat') close all hFig = figure set(hFig, 'Position', [10 900 1800 300]) imagesc(-1980:0.2:1980,0.2:0.2:450,outvar) axis xy colorbar ylabel('Altitude (km)') xlabel('Distance from the epinceter (km)') colormap gray caxis([-max(max(outvar)) max(max(outvar))]) %caxis([-4 4]) title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s)') %% clear all clc load('rw920.mat') close all hFig = figure set(hFig, 'Position', [10 900 1800 300]) imagesc(-1980:0.2:1980,0.2:0.2:450,outvar) axis xy colorbar ylabel('Altitude (km)') xlabel('Distance from the epinceter (km)') colormap gray caxis([-max(max(outvar)) max(max(outvar))]) %caxis([-4 4]) title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s)')