%% This script and data support Figure 12,a of the manuscript close all clear all clc load('548f.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.1:88.5,25.2:0.1:30.6,velz) axis xy caxis([-max(max(velz)) max(max(velz))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+548 sec.') %% This script and data support Figure 12,b of the manuscript close all clear all clc load('584f.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.1:88.5,25.2:0.1:30.6,velz) axis xy caxis([-max(max(velz)) max(max(velz))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+584 sec.') %% This script and data support Figure 12,c of the manuscript close all clear all clc load('624f.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.1:88.5,25.2:0.1:30.6,velz) axis xy caxis([-max(max(velz)) max(max(velz))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+624 sec.') %% This script and data support Figure 12,d of the manuscript clear all close all clc load('s548.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.01:88.5,25.2:0.01:30.6,outvar) axis xy caxis([-max(max(outvar)) max(max(outvar))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+548 sec') %% This script and data support Figure 12,e of the manuscript clear all close all clc load('s584.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.01:88.5,25.2:0.01:30.6,outvar) axis xy caxis([-max(max(outvar)) max(max(outvar))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+584 sec') %% This script and data support Figure 12,f of the manuscript clear all close all clc load('s624.mat') imagesc(82.2:0.01:88.5,25.2:0.01:30.6,outvar) axis xy caxis([-max(max(outvar)) max(max(outvar))]) colorbar xlabel('Geographic longitude (deg.)') ylabel('Geographic latitude (deg.)') title('Vertical fluid velocity (m/s) at 250 km. T=T0+624 sec')